Missed this when it was first announced in the spring, but France’s Michel Ocelot is currently working on his next animated feature, Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes (Kirikou and Men and Women).

The film is the third installment of a trilogy which began with Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998) and continued with Kirikou and the Wild Beasts (2005).

“It is fascinating to work with this character, who became stronger than me, in some ways,” Ocelot said of Kirikou, the magical little boy who serves as the series’ hero. “It is also fascinating to go back 12 years and it’s the present again.”

Notably, this will be the first film in the franchise to be produced in stereoscopic 3D, a format Ocelot used for the first time on Tales of the Night.

Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes is scheduled to reach French screens in December 2012.

From Cineuropa.