nullElizabeth Harrington, pictured above with her mentor, Washington D.C. based music video director and her co-director, Tim Greene, can lay claim to be the world's only 15 year old blind film director. She already has one short children's film to her credit, Super Kids, Super Heroes, with plans to make more.

The Middleton, Delaware-based young woman first got interested in acting because of her brother, Jeffrey, who acted in several local stage productions. Inspired by him she started, at the age of 7, to act in local productions as well.

But the turning point for Elizabeth came when she met Greene at an acting convention and, no doubt, impressed by the determined young woman, he promised her that they would work together someday.

And true to his word, they have made their first project together, with Greene handling the technical aspects of their film, while Elizabeth gives the actors and actresses their instructions and feedback.

Acording to her mother, Elizabeth has becomes a true inspiration: “Elizabeth is very social and she encourages people, unknowingly. She sees acting and producing; we see a motivational speaker.”

As for Elizabeth herself, she has the whole filmmaking thing figured out: "It takes heart, practice and faith.”

And if this story doesn't make you feel good all over, then nothing will.