That’s right, the short-tempered super-model (does that title still stand?), is apparently being sort by the acclaimed filmmaker who brought us the 1969 political thriller Z, Costa Gavras.

Gavras is currently prepping to direct the drama/thriller titled Capital, which currently lists Frenchman Mathieu Kassovitz, and Gabriel Byrne attached to star.

The film, which will take place in the world of high-finance, in Europe, is based on a 2004 satirical novel of the same name by Stephane Osmont .

Kassovitz will star as Marc Tourneuil, “a product of France’s elitist Ecole Polytechnique, who is appointed as numero uno at Europe’s Phoenix Bank, the target of a hostile takeover by U.S. hedge funds. Answerable to new shareholders and fighting off enemies in the French establishment, Tourneuil makes a desperate play for a debt-laden Japanese bank in order to stay in power.

Gabriel Byrne will play the president of one of Europe’s largest investment banks, and one of Phoenix’s new main shareholders.

And Naomi Campbell? She’ll play (what else) a super model that Kassovitz’s powerful character becomes enamored with, and pursues! Does he get her? Who knows. Watch the film to find out I guess. Although it does sound like Naomi’s real life doesn’t it? She hasn’t accepted the offer to play the role yet however.

The $11.4 million budgeted Capital is scheduled to begin principal photography this September, with shooting taking place in several countries, including Paris, London, Miami, New York, and Tokyo.

[Variety] [The Playlist]