Lifted from an interview with Naomie Harris on the Little White Lies blog:

After being asked if there was anything she’d like to do that she hasn’t been offered yet, Harris replied, “I’m totally in love with Jane Austen and have always been in love with Jane Austen, I did my dissertation at university on black people in eighteenth-century Britain – so I’d love to do a Jane Austen-esque film but with black people… I’d love to do that next.

Ok, so it’s just one of those fantasy projects that’ll never happen right?

When asked whether she’d direct it, she said, “No, no, no. I love working with actors but I don’t know anything about camera angles. I wouldn’t have a clue, in that respect. I am working with a friend, Damien Jones, and we have got a script. It’s getting closer and closer.

Oh, so it’s not just some flight of fancy. This shit is real son! 🙂

By the way, Damien Jones is a British producer with a long list of credits that include the upcoming Margaret Thatcher project, which stars Meryl Streep in a role she’ll most certainly, at least, get an Oscar nomination for, The Iron Lady. He also produced Noel Clarke’s Adulthood and Kidulthood movies.

A Jane Austen-esque film but with black people. Things that make you go hmm… color me intrigued.