Ya know, I’m not sure I ever knew that Denzel Washington’s wife, Pauletta Washington was an actress… or maybe I did, and I just forgot altogether, since she hasn’t done very much of it; but yes, she is. In fact, Denzel met her back in 1977, when she was Pauletta Pearson, on the set of the 1977 TV movie Wilma, which both actors co-starred in, and which was Pauletta’s very first on screen role.

4 years later, in 1981, she would get to work again on her second TV movie role, in the comedy/musical Purlie. And then, 2 years later, the couple got married, Pauletta put her career on hold to raise the family, with 4 children born over the next 7 to 8 years (2 of them twins), as Denzel’s career steadily rose.

Although she had a bit part in Beloved in 1998, and was featured in 2 episodes of The Parkers during its 2003/2004 season.

Fast-forward to 2011… the kids are all grown up, and Pauletta decides to return to her beloved craft, starring in an Off-Broadway play, here in New York City, titled Desperate Writers, a comedy which I only just learned about, that officially opens on Monday, June 6 at the Union Square Theater, here in New York City.

Directed by Kay Cole, the full synopsis for Desperate Writers reads: “Ashley and David are screenwriters. Ashley and David are in love. Like most artists, Ashley and David have “day jobs” to bring in the money. But, Ashley just got fired from her catering job and David can’t get enough photo shoots. To make matters worse, they are about to lose their home. Still, Ashley is dreaming of getting married. David doesn’t want to get married until they sell a script. He wants his life in order, “all his ducks in a row.” But, Ashley’s clock is ticking, LOUDLY. They have a script they believe in, a wonderful romantic comedy. With their agent’s help, they do the rounds. But, rejection follows rejection. What producers are looking for one week is obsolete the next. Finally, it looks like their dreams may come true. Promises are made. But, then they find out one more executive needs to read the script. David is optimistic, but Ashley knows that doesn’t sound good. It isn’t. The executive reads ten pages and then it’s a gut thing. He passes and Ashley SNAPS. Desperate times call for desperate measures. She will do whatever it takes to get their script read. In a crazy, madcap adventure that hurtles toward a rollicking finish, Ashley makes sure the producers hear their screenplay. With kooky characters making entrances and exits, a producer left for dead on the toilet, Ashley and David accomplish their goal. Will they end up in jail or with their ultimate dream …a bidding war?

Pauletta Washington plays Vanessa, the couple’s agent.

Again, the official opening for Desperate Writers is set for Monday, June 6. For tickets, visit www.Ticketmaster.com, or call (800) 982-2787 or visit the Union Square Theater box office (beginning Friday, May 13) at 110 East 17th Street.

Tickets are $65 each.

I actually found quite a bit of video on it, with Pauletta; you’ll find a few clips below.

First, here she is talking about the play, her part in it, and of course, being married to Denzel:

Pauletta Washington: MyFoxNY.com

And here she is backstage, getting her makeup on:

And here she is with the rest of the cast: