
Cuban filmmaker Tomas Piard's returns to fantasy cinema comes in the form of a post-apocalyptic drama titled Los Desastres De La Guerra (Disasters of War), which follows survivors of a nuclear war, whose sole purpose is find and reach the ocean. The film is set in a time where there is no longer any semblance of society, the characters don't have names, and, most importantly, some of them have turned to cannibalism, in order to stay alive and survive.

The film reportedly has very little dialogue and music, and the filmmaker utilized non-professional young actors to carry the load. 

This road movie (we could call it, based on the description) is a production of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC), and the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT), and is said to be in the final stages of post-production.

No trailer yet; but, thanks to our friends at Twitch, we've got some still images from the film above and below:

