Rehashing what I said in my first post on this… about 2 weeks ago, I made several requests on the S&A Twitter and Facebook pages, asking our fans and followers to contact me directly if they are filmmakers with projects in the works, regardless of what stage – filmmakers we’ve never covered on the site before, and maybe should be.

It took a few notices, but eventually, the replies started trickling in, and actually still are. And I’m only now just going through all the emails I received, replying to everyone who responded, encouraging them to keep us informed of their progress, so that we can cover them on the site.

Starting with yesterday’s entry, I’ll be featuring those who do have projects to feature, so that the rest of you can get to know these folks, check out samples of their work, and maybe you will, or you won’t care for what you see. Either way, I’m just glad that some folks actually were courageous enough to reply to my initial query.

Without further ado, here’s the 2nd of hopefully many more… posted in no particular order:

The film is called The Three Way, written and directed by Julian A. Renner, who has previously worked on a number of music videos for various artists, including LadyBug Mecca of the 90’s hip hop group, Digable Planets. The Three Way is Julian’s feature film debut.

It debuted at the 2011 San Diego Black Film Festival in January, where it won awards for Best Director, Best Comedy Feature and The Filmmakers choice award. It’ll next screen at the San Francisco Black Film Festival in June.

Its synopsis reads: “When Tasha (Karmia Berry) returns home from a business trip a day early, she decides to surprise her man, Mike (DeLance Minefee), with a homemade meal. Mike enters to find her hard at work in the kitchen and his plans for the evening are suddenly complicated. He throws his jacket on the table to hide his disappointment and greets his girl with a smile. But before they eat, a phone call pulls him from the room. Tasha, alone and annoyed, clears the jacket from the table. And something falls from its pocket. Her eyes widen at the pack of newly purchased condoms on the floor. A quick search of the jacket’s pockets turns up a love note: ‘Had the best time of my life, can’t wait to see you tonight.’ Tasha, in a heated rage, sets the table for an ambush. When Mike sits down to the meal, she serves him up a plate of rubbers. Mike insists it’s all a misunderstanding until his co-worker, Sam (Shane Jacobsen), shows up at the front door with an overnight bag. Did this man steal her boyfriend? Tasha sits them all down at the kitchen table determined to find out. Before long, reinforcements are called in to help uncover the truth, but each new person brings new questions. The accusations escalate over a single evening until lovers and friends are forced to reveal their secrets and confront their own lies.

Watch the trailer below… and if what you see is of any interest to you, you can learn more at the film’s website HERE; I should post at least one more submission before the day ends.