
A second Lee Scratch Perry movie in almost as many years. Last year, we followed the progress of the critically-acclaimed musical documentary from Ethan Higbee and Adam Bhala Lough, on the life of the Jamaican reggae pioneer and legend, titled The Upsetter: The Life & Music of Lee “Scratch” Perry.

The film traveled the international film festival circuit, and was released last fall.

This new Lee Scratch Perry film comes from German filmmaker Volker Schaner, and is titled Lee Scratch Perry’s Vision Of Paradise.

Here’s how the filmmaker describes what he calls a “fairytale documentary”:

A thrilling, poetic narration with the legendary Lee Scratch Perry, this movie is a unique project in many ways: it’s not a biography but rather a fairytale documentary! The director followed Lee Perry for 13 years and discovered a story that is almost impossible to believe: a revelation, told about and with one of the major protagonists of contemporary music. It is a mind-blowing encounter with “The Prophet” of the international Rastafari movement, one of the icons of the Black Power movement and “the” inventor of reggae and dub and it is also a humorous adventure of epic dimensions. The movie can be seen as a guide for how to change the world with music – with a positive attitude, mindset or, as Lee Perry calls it: “vibration”. 

He’s been following him for 13 years! Wow. That’s dedication, and tons of hours of footage.

Director Schaner says that he first discovered the music of Perry (and Bob Marley) when he was a teen, and it changed his life forever, and, since then, he’s been wanting to make a film with Perry. 

And now, 30 years later, he’s embarked on that journey, funded mostly by himself, recently raising $22,000 in completion funds. The film is currently in post-production, where Schaner expects it’ll be for the next 6 months.

A new project we’ll be following from here on, now that we’re aware of it.

Here’s an early teaser: