
The preview trailer for this upcoming documentary title The Iran Job doesn't immediately sell me on the film, but the subject matter is intriguing enough that I definitely want to check it out whenever it's complete.

But I'm sure we'll get an eventual final trailer anyway whenever that time comes.

Anyway, the short story goes… Kevin Sheppard, a pro American basketball player, who accepts a contract to play in Iran.


What begins as a typical job-for-hire, ends in an emotional roller coaster as Kevin forms an unlikely alliance with three Iranian women against the backdrop of revolutionary upheaval in Tehran. Thanks to these women, his apartment turns into an oasis of free speech, where they discuss everything from politics to religion to gender roles. Kevin’s season in Iran culminates in something much bigger than basketball: the uprising and subsequent suppression of Iran’s reformist Green Movement – a powerful prelude to the currently unfolding Arab Spring.

How can that not intrigue you? Come on! It's not exactly the kind of story one hears often; not me anyway.

I learned that the filmmaker behind the project, Till Schauder, has been working on the film since about 2008, and recently completed a Kickstarter campaign that raised over $100,000 towards completion costs. Nice!

The film is expected to debut sometime this year – likely during the latter half of the year on the film festival circuit. 

In December 2011 is was invited to a private, work-in-progress screening at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C., and has received lots of national and international press coverage.

Check out the preview trailer below for a glimpse at what to expect (full poster underneath):