Today in history… June 7th, 1958, Prince Rogers Nelson, aka Prince, the singer, songwriter and musician whose hits are too plentiful to name them all, and cross several genres, was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dude is 53 years old today!

His music can be found on the soundtracks of many films and TV shows, from those in which he also starred, like Purple Rain, to Spike Lee’s Girl 6, to the popular TV series Glee, most recently.

In total, I counted 3 Prince feature films – Graffiti Bridge (1990), Under the Cherry Moon (1986) and Purple Rain (1984). But, as far as I know, there’s never been an attempt to turn his life’s story in a feature film. Too soon, I guess. The “honor” is usually reserved for those who’ve passed on.

Check out the below trailer for Purple Rain which a fan recut to make it look like a psychological thriller:

And here’s the real trailer: