It seems as if we may know why there was no reunion special for this monumental season of The Real Housewives of New York has finally been revealed. The show debuted its first Black apple-holder, Eboni K. Williams, in its 13th season. Williams surely stirred up the conversation, awakening her high-class society Manhattan co-stars to what takes place outside of their bubble. But not all were receptive. She classes with her co-stars over race, insensitivity, and more. Apparently, things with Ramona Singer went so far south behind the scenes that it changes things indefinitely. 

The comment that sparked an internal investigation

Singer and Williams had a few tough exchanges, specifically in terms of Williams calling out Singer for her perceived microaggressions and privilege. During a discussion about politics, Singer nearly stormed out of Williams’ apartment. The two resolved their issues, but in an interview with The Breakfast Club, Williams admitted that she considered quitting after that moment. 

Page Six reports that Williams caught wind of a comment Singer allegedly made at Luann de Lesseps home after the two argued over who had the most formal education in the group. De Lesseps asked Williams to leave after the debate.

A production source exclusively told the media outlet that Singer, 64, allegedly said, “This is why we shouldn’t have black people on the show” in reference to Williams. Singer insists she said no such thing. “I never said that. It’s a terrible lie,” Singer told Page Six. “It’s very disappointing that even after my name was cleared that people still want to slander me.”

The show did not have a reunion, making it a first in the franchise’s history

Despite all of the conversation surrounding race and inclusivity and the series having its first Black housewife ever, a reunion special did not happen and ans were disappointed. 

Now, it is alleged that an investigation promoted by Williams reporting Singer’s alleged racist comment is why a reunion special stalled for so long. Singer says she signed a confidentiality agreement, which forbids her from telling her side of the story.

Singer reportedly had to undergo sensitivity training as a result. But a second source tells Page Six that all cast members undergo the training.

A third-party investigation reportedly cleared Singer of any wrongdoing, leaving Williams “dissatisfied.”