
I did this each of the last 3 years, with the number of responses increasing each year; and I figured I'd make it an annual thing; especially as awareness of S&A continues to broaden. 

Let's see what this year brings.

The title says it all… the 2013 Sundance Film Festival US/world dramatic/documentary competition and Next titles were announced earlier today, with selections from other categories still to be announced in coming days.

Regardless, those who submitted their films for consideration should already know whether or not they're in.

And if you're one of the many thousand filmmakers whose films (shorts or features) were rejected by the 2013 Sundance selection committee, don't fret; as I'm sure you know, despite how influential that top-tier festival is, it is the first of the year, and there will be a few other industry-relevant film festivals for you to consider, throughout 2013.

There were 12,146 submissions to Sundance 2013; and of those, somewhere between 1% and 3% will be selected. Those are might tough odds. But that also means that there are roughly 97% of you remaining, with projects that didn't get into the festival. And YOU are the folks we want to hear from!

Of interest to those of us on this blog are films by and/or about people of African descent. So, if you or your film fit the bill, and we've never written about either before, I'd love to hear from you! Maybe there's some way S&A can aid in raising awareness for your film… even if it's something as simple as just profiling it on this blog.

At the very least, it'll be great just to know you exist, so that we can become familiar with you and your work, and track from here-on.

So, if you agree, feel free to send me an email to, with all the vitals about you and your film, and we'll go from there.

Good luck to everyone!