That’s right… following up with my May 6th post which announced that 2 separate Tarzan scripts were commissioned by Warner Bros studio, to be written simultaneously by 2 different writers, one of them being Mr Hustle & Flow, and Black Snake Moan director, Craig Brewer, who would also direct from his script.

Today, word on the vine is that Brewer’s plan for his version is to tells the Tarzan story over three (3) films – essentially a trilogy! Do we really need or want a triplet of Tarzan movies? I’m wondering what exactly his story ideas for this are.

Deadline says that Tarzan is a “passion project” for Brewer. Interesting… Tarzan as any director’s “passion project.” Why? Warner Bros has apparently secured a deal with Brewer, so it looks like this is almost a sure-thing.

Still, curious about how exactly a studio-backed, live-action, big-budgeted Tarzan movie play out today? Are they planning on sticking to the original Edgar Rice Burroughs creation, which had our man raised in the “Jungles of Africa,” among the “great apes,” after his British parents are marooned on the West coast of the continent by mutineers? Will he also be clinging, leaping, and swinging from tree branches like the apes, bellowing in the process? I’m really trying to visualize this. Maybe someone can help me out…