SAMBAKAPDirected by Franck Michel, "Sambakap" is an upcoming French animated TV series, set in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which follows a boy who is determined to become a Capoeira champion, and, despite warnings from his elders, goes to one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Rio, to participate in a secret competition, where it’s said that fabulous powers are unleashed between participants, reminding everyone of the legend that is the martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.

The project hails from young French animation house, Fait Péter Productions, in collaboration with I Can Fly Productions. Each episode will be half an hour long, although the series isn’t currently set up at any network in any country just yet. 

The filmmakers are currently shopping the series around, raising awareness for it, attending industry standard animation conferences around Europe, like Annecy and others. I wouldn’t look for this on any TV networks in the USA anytime soon, if ever. But I’ll let you know if it becomes available in a format that we can all readily access.

A first look at the series, via a teaser, has been released and is embedded below: