nullI admit that weekends are slow. Not a whole lot is going on. So when I came across this item today I thought it's better than nothing; besides we have covered developments involving Ted Williams in the past, so why not?

You all remember Ted "Golden Voice" Williams don't you? He was that ex-radio announcer, formerly a homeless guy with the perfect announcing voice, who had fallen on very hard times due to drugs, and was discovered on the streets of Columbus, Ohio begging for money.

The video of him showing off his silken pipes was the first viral video media sensation of 2010, and literally overnight, he became very famous and very well-exploited by Dr. Phil and a lot of other people.

He got a bunch of temporary offers by companies, basically as PR stunts, cynically trying to show how altruistic they were, and he did do some brief announcing work here and here, and even a TV commerical for Kraft Food.

But he still struggled with his drug and alcohol demons and was in and out of rehab, even once getting arrested after a physical altercation with his daughter.

Williams himself said that it was "too much too soon.".

So what ever happened to him? Well it seems that signs are he's finally getting his life in order, and on the right track, with the help of his sober living coach. He's even started his own charitable foundation, and it was just announced that he's starting a new permament job this year as the official announcer for New England Cable News.

Let's hope he stays on the right path.