Just a reminder for those of you in New York City… Opening this past weekend at Quad Cinemas, Kareem Mortimer’s Children of God, produced by Trevite Willis – an award-winning film, set against a backdrop of scaremongering and hate, that introduces us to Jonny (Johnny Ferro), “a creatively-blocked art student struggling with an obsessive-compulsive disorder that sees him cringe away from any human touch; Romeo (Stephen Tyrone Williams) a young man struggling with his obligations towards his family and his band; and the devoutly religious Lena Mackey (Margaret Laurena Kemp) an anti-gay activist whose hypocritical preacher husband has just given her a sexually-transmitted disease. On the Bahamian island of Eleuthera, these three people’s paths collide, with life-changing results.

I’ve seen the film thanks to a screener that was mailed to me a few weeks ago, and I recommend it. It’s very well put together, with a quiet poetic intensity that pervades throughout. A solid indie work.

I’m reminding you about it because I’ve been informed that it’ll be playing for just one 1 week at Quad (from last week Friday, to this Thursday), so you really only have a few days left to see it; this is important because its run at Quad could be extended even further, if it does well during this, its first week playing in the theater.

So, if you’re at all interested, go support the film!

For more info, check out their website HERE.

A trailer follows below: