Trailer for an upcoming documentary, directed by Theresa Traore Dahlberg, titled Taxi Sister, which centers on Boury, a female taxi driver in Dakar, Senegal.

Further: “As a woman behind the wheel she leads a busy life filled with everyday drama, and constantly grapples with society’s view and expectations on women. The film is based on the Taxi Sister project, which was started by the Senegalese state in 2007 with the aim of encouraging female entrepreneurs. Ten women were offered the opportunity to get a drivers license and buy a car on credit. Today there are fifteen women taxi drivers in Dakar, which is nothing compared to the fifteen thousand male taxi drivers.

For more on the project, you’re encouraged to the read THIS report titled Unemployment, Women & Taxis: A Study Of The Taxi-Sister Program In Its Test Phase.

I have no further info on the film, specifically upcoming screenings of it. I read that it premiered CinemaAfrica Film Festival in Stockholm, Sweden earlier this year, and director Theresa Traore Dahlberg is currently traveling the world with it; it even screened here in NYC in April, but I wasn’t aware of it, and so missed it.

But you’ll know when I know more.

Trailer below, and full poster underneath (h/t Bombastic E.):

TAXI SISTER TRAILER from Theresa Traore Dahlberg on Vimeo.