
This is an example of the kind of thing I'd love to do here at S&A, if we had the budget; alas, we don't. Someday… maybe sooner than we think.

Anyway, in short, the New York Times sent its chief television critic (Alessandra Stanley), around the world, so that she could watch television in various countries outside the USA, and report what she learned during her year-long travels. 

Must be nice – a year-long assignment that sees you travel the globe, watch TV and write about your experiences.

Thus far, she's covered Russia, and today, Haiti. 

She starts:

Haitian TV is clamorous and dissonant: instructional announcements about cholera prevention butt up against hedonistic music videos, foreign soap operas and glossy commercials aimed at people who can’t afford to buy much.Most of the fare is imported. What’s missing is a sense of Haitians as they see themselves.

You can read the rest of the 2-page piece HERE.

Or just watch her video previews of 4 different Haitian TV series: a sitcom called Tap Tap about a taxi driver; Destinée, the only soap opera written for Haitians by Haitians; La Bonne Nouvelle, a Christian travel and cooking show; and Regards Croisés, a sketch comedy series.

Watch each preview HERE.