As my Yiddish brothers and sisters would say, Oy vey… Read on below from Deadline:

Warner Bros has been trying to get its Tarzan movie up and running for several years. Now, I’m hearing that the studio is trying again and word on the vine is they might well commission two separate scripts that’ll be written simultaneously. One will be by Adam Cozad, a rising scribe whose recent work includes the Jack Ryan reboot and Archangel, the pic that has Tron: Legacy’s Joseph Kosinski attached. I also hear that the studio is talking to Craig Brewer about doing a different version of the picture. This has been done before on big pictures and usually the studio makes a decision on which way to go when they both come in. Sometimes, the other script is the next movie in the franchise. But it certainly gives hope that Tarzan will be swinging in the jungle before too long.

Curious about the Craig Brewer choice – Mr Hustle & Flow, and Black Snake Moan. How exactly will a studio-backed, live-action, big-budgeted Tarzan movie play out today? Are they planning on sticking to the original Edgar Rice Burroughs creation, which had our man raised in the “Jungles of Africa,” among the “great apes,” after his British parents are marooned on the West coast of the continent by mutineers? Will he also be clinging, leaping, and swinging from tree branches like the apes? I’m really trying to visualize this. Maybe someone can help me out…