I saw a movie called, THE HELP that opens this Friday. I must say, I really enjoyed it! I love looking back and seeing how far we’ve come. And the performances in this film are stellar. Ms. Cicely Tyson was exceptionally Cicely. Viola Davis, this woman is remarkable. Octavia Spencer, she was like watching joy rise on the screen. You know I don’t recommend a lot of movies, so this one has to be special, right? Well it is! Go see it if you can this weekend. THE HELP! I really enjoyed it.

A message from Tyler Perry to his many fans sent out a couple of hours ago. There’s obviously been a marketing push to combat the strong criticism the film has received from black audiences thus far. From the early NAACP screening and their enthusiastic endorsement of it, to Mr Perry’s, who also has a substantial following.

Has Oprah Winfrey thrown her $.02 in yet? I believe she was a fan of the book.

Will it translate to box office gold when the film opens this week? I dunno…

Reviews have started turning up, and mine is coming. I was told after the press screening I attended a couple of weeks ago or so that there was an embargo on reviews of the film, directly from Disney brass, until the 10th, which is tomorrow. That’s why I haven’t posted mine yet. However, others are posting theirs; so much for that embargo, huh?

So far, of the 19 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, 14 are *Fresh* – meaning, the majority liked it.

I’ll type up my thoughts this evening (although I really should have done so already; though there actually might be some benefit to waiting this long to review it), and if I get it done in good time, and I’m satisfied with it, I’ll post it up tonight. But, at the latest, it’ll be up first thing in the morning.

I’m guessing we’ll see Sergio’s as well soon enough.