Courtesy of Hitflix… in the below video, everyone’s favorite director, Tyler Perry, talks about his upcoming tackling of the Alex Cross franchise reboot – specifically, he answers questions about production dates, and talks about all he’s doing to prepare for the part, like, dropping more than 30 pounds in weight, while adding about 10 pounds of muscle mass.

Dude is trying to get in shape for this thing… as he says in the video, the expectations are for a “young and sexy” Alex Cross, so he’s doesn’t want to disappoint.

So, should we expect to see TP shirtless with a 6-pack and a barrel chest? 😀

What would be funny is if the film actually turns out to be a good one! That would certainly surprise a lot of folks, since the consensus, especially around these parts, is that it’s doomed to fail with TP is the lead, as opposed to the heavily favored and once-attached Idris Elba.

With production scheduled to begin this fall, as he states, we should be getting a look at this in 2012. TP also has Good Deeds in the works, so we might get a double-dose of the man next year.

Watch below: