nullVICE has premiered a new short film titled "Mr. Happy," via its bi-weekly series VICE Shorts, which stars hip hop recording artist Chance the Rapper as Victor, a depressed young man, who discovers ‘MRHAPPY.COM‘ – a website where you can hire a hitman to kill you. Right after Victor sets his date to die, a chance interaction makes him question whether his life is really worth ending. 

Directed by award-winning music video director Colin Tilley, the "high concept" short film is embedded below, so check it out.

And then read VICE columnist, Jeffrey Bowers’ interview with director Tilley on addressing mental health issues in the film, working with Chance the Rapper, and creating the art featured in the short. 

VICE Shorts is a bi-weekly series on that gives emerging and established filmmakers a platform to premiere their short works.

For more from the series, visit:

Watch "Mr. Happy" below: