
As the conversation (started weeks ago) about "genre" or anime films centered around black characters, and directed by black filmmakers, continues… Here's a short film from French animator Rony Hotin (that's him in the center, in the above photo, the night he received an award for the short film).

Titled Le Vagabond de St Marcel (The Vagabond of St Marcel), the short film follows a homeless man in Paris, who spends his days on subway trains and platforms, and who seems happier than everyone else, despite the fact that he's homeless. We learn that, at night, after the gates of the station where he sleeps are closed, his imagination runs wild, as his thoughts come to life.

It'll make more sense after you watch it.

Rony Hotin won an Audi Talent Award for the work, at the Cannes Film Festival last year, and, according to his website, he completed some work for Disney last fall, and, as of September 2012, was in production on another short film. 

I'd say Mr Hotin is a young talent to watch. Check out his blog HERE to learn more.

Watch Le Vagabond de St Marcel below: