Premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival this year, “Sun City Picture House” follows the story of Raphael Louigene, a Haitian hospital volunteer and movie lover who sets out to build the first movie theater since the devastating earthquake in 2010. See a clip after the jump courtesy of MTV Movies Blog.

Sun City Picture House” is directed by relief worker and filmmaker David Darg, produced by Bryn Moor, and co-executive produced by Olivia Wilde and Maria Bello. The film is touted as a “moving story of a community torn apart by disaster and united by a common love for movies.” There hasn’t yet been word on what type of distribution it will receive.

While I enjoyed the trailer and haven’t yet seen the film myself, what I found even more interesting is the teaser featured on the film’s website (posted below):

Sun City Picture House – Official Trailer from David Darg on Vimeo.

One by one, we see children of Haiti naming popular movie titles and characters – Super Man, Snow White, even Mr. Bean. Interesting that not a single black film, black actor or black character is mentioned. This is not a complaint, but an observation – one that made me wonder how much exposure these kids get to black cinema.

I’d really like to hear from anyone from, or who has lived in Haiti. What do you feel the climate is for (access to) black film there currently, and where do you see it going in the future? Please weigh in below.