Well, I kinda hinted at this in the comment section of Sergio’s post on who might be a frontrunner to play the lead role in Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained… specifically, I referenced the Deadline article that mentioned Tarantino’s intentions to cast “top shelf” for the film.

And it certainly doesn’t get more “top shelf” than this.

The Hollywood Reporter just announced that Will Smith is indeed Tarantino’s first choice to play Django, the freed slave who seeks to reunite with his slave wife, as he pairs up with a German bounty hunter to take down an evil plantation owner.

THR’s report says that Will Smith has received the screenplay, but he hasn’t yet accepted the offer.

Samuel L. Jackson is also mentioned, but not for the lead role; Rather, for one of the supporting slave parts.

There’s more to this, but I just wanted to get this up as soon as I could, so stay tuned…

I’m reading the script for Django Unchained right now, and should finish it tonight; and I’ll share my own spoiler-free thoughts on it over the weekend.