
Interesting looking (and sounding) short film here, scheduled to screen at the Sundance Film Festival next month, in the Shorts Competition section.

It's described as an allegory of the Last Supper depicting the establishment of a new nation-state, exploring what it calls "the African condition" by juxtaposing the past and the present of a continent in the grip of violent civil wars. 

The short, titled Iyeza, is directed by Kudzanai Chiurai – the internationally-acclaimed, Zimbabwean-born multimedia artist, whose work has been on display in some of the world's most prestigious museums, like the Museum of Modern Art here in NYC. 

No trailer for the 11-minute short, but the visuals in the image below definitely intrigue. I'm also curious to see how Chiurai makes the connection between civil war in continental Africa and The Last Supper on film.