An eighth-grader in Wisconsin prevented a school bus from veering into the oncoming lane.

In an email sent to parents, Glen Hills Middle School principal Anna Young praised Acie Holland III’s quick thinking in preventing a potential tragedy. On April 24, the school bus driver suffered a sudden medical emergency, causing her to lose consciousness while driving briefly. 

In an interview with NBC affiliate WTMJ, the 14-year-old said he was on his phone when he felt the bus accelerate. 

“I looked at the bus driver because she went past my stop, and I looked, and I seen her head just go down,” Holland III recalled. “I ran up there. I took control of the bus because I was scared, but at the same time, I was like I wanted to just make sure everyone was OK and that nothing was gonna happen while I was there.”

Holland ran to the front of the bus and grabbed the steering wheel before calling 911 for help. He also called his grandmother, a nurse, for medical assistance, according to People.

“Then I get us to the curb,” he added, “and I hit the brakes close and then when we hit the curb, I turned the wheel all the way because I didn’t know where the parking brake was.”

The student said that the experience has also benefited his personal growth.

“[It] made me feel good that I know that I saved people,” Holland told  WISN. “And I know I feel more confident now and brave.”

Holland’s father, Acie Holland II, praised his son for his heroics.

“It didn’t [faze] me because I know that he’s capable of almost anything,” he

In a letter sent to the school district’s parents, the principal commended the 14-year-old for his quick thinking in preventing a potential tragedy for both the students and the driver.

Acie recognized that the driver was not responsive, so he rushed to move her foot off the gas, applied the brake and securely parked the bus. He contacted 911 and, ensured younger students were OK, and instructed them to contact their parents. He also sought out his grandmother, a nurse, to support the situation,” Principal Young said, praising his heroic gesture.

“The Glen Hills school community could not be any prouder of Acie,” the statement continued. “The compassion and leadership that we see him exhibit daily was taken to the next level on his bus ride home yesterday. We are grateful that all of our Glen Hills students are safe and are wishing their driver a healthy recovery.”

Principal Young reported that the driver apologized to her young passengers before being taken to the emergency room.

“We don’t have any details about what happened to her, but I know she was under medical care the following day,” Young said told the Washington Post . “The kids told me it was a really scary experience, but Acie took care of it.”