Early black voter turnout is down this year. Much of the election chatter revolves around the enthusiasm gap for young voters and black millennials in particular. With the exposure of systemic corruption, political obstructionism and misconduct at every level of the law, it is understandable that people are tired and disenchanted.

This fatigue shouldn’t abdicate the civic and moral responsibility to participate in our democracy.

With this awareness, Black and Brown People Vote (BBPV) partnered with the Haas Institute to produce a PSA directed at black millennial voters titled #Vote4BlackFutures. The narrators in the video issue a call to action saying, “Either this generation rise or the one behind us dies.”

This video released by the nonprofit is just one of many highlighting social and political issues of concern for people of color. The site provides context around the wealth gap, mass incarceration, and women’s rights. There is also several guides for voters to become more informed before heading to the polls.

Over the past few years, black millennials have shifted the social landscape in a powerful way. Through activism, protests, strategic political measures and by the use of technology, this generation has exposed long denied injustices and awakened worldwide social consciousness. This fight for black liberation requires activism on all fronts, including the voting booth. The black and millennial vote are the most powerful tools at our disposal right now.

Watch the video and see the powerful message about the depth of black millennial voters.

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