CNN is receiving an avalanche of criticism after announcing its upcoming special report on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. People are flocking to social media to express their outrage, wondering why the network is giving a platform to the far-right radio personality.

The new special, Megaphone for Conspiracy: The Alex Jones Story, is set to air on Sunday, The Wrap reports. According to CNN, the show promises to explore “how Jones’ message grew from the fringes into the mainstream, and why that could threaten the future of democracy in America.”

The feature will include interviews with “people who knew him, worked for him, and believed him.” CNN has also documented the lawsuit Jones faced after he portrayed the Sandy Hook school shootings as a hoax. Additionally, the special report examines the backlash Jones faces for his involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks.

People are demanding CNN to cancel the feature. 

Platforms such as Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube have banned Jones, accusing him of violating their hate-speech policies. In the past week, Spotify learned that some of Jones' podcast episodes recently appeared on the streaming service. The platform has now removed those episodes of The Alex Jones Show, according to Variety.