Omar EppsA starring role for Omar Epps in an indie thriller titled One Small Mistake, to be directed by British filmmaker Alexander Harvey, from a script by Guy Bennett, adapted from French author Jean Francois Coatmeur’s novel La Bavure (The Smear). 

The novel follows the familiar tale of a suspect in a double murder who has to go on the run to prove his innocence. Based on the English translation of the French synopsis (there is no English language version of the novel it seems), the man finds out that the crime was the act of not an isolated individual killer, but of a powerful society of the occult, who also want him dead.

The film adaptation will be produced by German production company Dreamtool Entertainment
With this being a British/German production based on an award-winning French novel, it should provide Epps with some international exposure, assuming it’s a film that will be aimed at those European markets. Although it will probably be released in the USA as well.
We will next see Omar Epps playing the lead in ABC’s mid-season drama Resurrection, based on the novel by Jason Mott.