Jubilation is sweeping the streets of the nation as Americans sing, dance and cry tears of joy to celebrate the end of Donald Trump's four-year term as president. The celebration started early on Saturday morning after Joe Biden was declared the winner in the 2020 presidential race, along with Kamala Harris, who will soon be America's first Black, first female and first South Asian vice president.

Take a look at the celebrations below:

In Washington, D.C., people fittingly celebrated at the Black Lives Matter Plaza.

Near the White House monuments, residents rang bells of victory and expressed their disdain for a president who has divided the country in the last four years.

Champagne was of course a key part of the celebration.


With countless people getting together near the White House, cellphone service became a problem.

In Times Square, it seemed like New Year's Eve arrived a little early this year.

Some rang cowbells from their homes.

The celebration echoed around the globe, ringing in cities as far as Paris. 

In Brooklyn, people screamed from the balcony.

LeBron James fired off a series of tweets, including a photoshopped picture of his famous block serving as a symbol of Biden's victory.

Filmmaker Ava DuVernay gave a shoutout to Philadelphia, the city which delivered the final blow to Trump's chances in the race.

Just to make sure Trump got the memo, DuVernay had to remind him that he's fired.

Lady Gaga, who was among the many celebrities Trump insulted during a rally this week, expressed her gratitude for Biden and Harris. 

While Harris makes history with the election, Biden will as well. The president-elect will be the oldest president as he turns 78 on November 20, as Blavity previously reported

"America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country," the president-elect said after his win. "The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not. I will keep the faith that you have placed in me."

After a race which lasted longer than four days and brought about anxiety among many Americans, Biden surpassed the 270 votes needed to win the election on Saturday morning. 

"There will not be blue states and red states when we win. Just the United States of America," he said on Wednesday. "We are not enemies. What brings us together as Americans is so much stronger than anything that can tear us apart."

Harris has been a trailblazer throughout her career in politics. As Blavity previously reported, she was the first Black woman to be elected district attorney in San Francisco and attorney general of California. The 56-year-old is also the second Black woman to be elected to the Senate.