Our words and thoughts are powerful enough to reprogram our mindset, overcome our limiting beliefs, change our self-concept and even the world.

The world can be very cruel and it’s very easy to let it consume us with negativity, so much so that we tend to judge and criticize ourselves as well. 

In order to overpower that pessimism, it's essential that we fill our minds with positive self-talk and affirmations. It’s never good to tell ourselves lies or be deceitful in what we say to ourselves and people. 

When we learn that we have control over our thoughts, we allow ourselves to be open to abundant opportunities and happiness in order to live fulfilling lives that we deserve.

Doing so will enrich our lives, uplift spirits and even inspire ourselves to reach our goals. 

It’s essential that we speak life into what we know can happen in our lives to make our dreams a reality.

Check out these reaffirming and positive statements from Pinterest to write down or recite to yourself to improve your mental health and manifest your life below.

1. “I am worthy of my own love, admiration and undivided attention.”

Self-love is the best love and without it, you can lose yourself. Continue to remind yourself that you are worthy of all the love that is given to you, but remember loving yourself and who you are as a person is what matters the most. 

2. “I love abundance and prosperity and I attract it naturally.”

It’s important to speak your blessings into existence, but in order to receive them, you have to have the mindset to welcome them. Doing so will open you up to a lot of opportunities and happiness.

3. “I am enough.”

Stop comparing yourself to others. Never think that you are less than any other person walking on this earth. No one can take away the gifts and skills that you were given.

4. “I choose to own my inner abundance and the wealth of who I am.” 

Never let anyone define who you are. Take control of your life. Self-control is essential in prospering in life.

5. “I release anything that drains me because I do not accept toxicity in my life.” 

Bad vibes and toxicity take up too much space. Let it all go. Preserve your energy and peace by any means necessary.

6. “I can and will. Watch me.”

This is the energy you should have in anything that you do. The word “can’t” shouldn’t be in your vocabulary. Go follow your dreams and conquer the world. You can do anything you put your mind to.

7. “I am constantly recreating myself, and that is okay.”

Change is inevitable and growth is essential. There’s so much more to life than to be stagnant. Continue to evolve and work on who you are so you can be the best version of yourself. 

8. “I am a beautiful soul that radiates a vibrant and beautiful form. All is well in my body and mind.”

Your spirit lives inside your body, but it's reflected through your interaction with others. Continue to feed your body and souls with positivity so people can embrace and appreciate the king or queen that you are within. 

9. “I attract success by being my authentic self.”

Never conform to fit other people’s ideas and standards. You were created how you were for a reason. Embrace your individuality and live your life’s purpose. Never let others lower your vibrations.

10. “I manifest everything I desire.”

Speak your goals and dreams into existence with confidence. Once you put your actions behind your words, your breakthrough will happen and then you will be guaranteed to live the life you desire.

11. “I am a magnet to positive energy. Good people, divine opportunities, and wild ideas gravitate towards me.”

You are what you attract. Continue to be a positive light not only in your life but in others. You are destined for greatness.

These affirmations are reminders to embrace and love your authentic self, flaws and all. Always be kind to yourself and know that no one is in charge of uplifting your own spirits but you. 

Remember above all, changing your words can change your life.

This piece is brought to you in partnership with Toyota.