Toshia Shaw's 11-year-old daughter, Trinity Lacy, who attends a predominantly white school, was bullied about her loc hairstyle. The proud mom used Twitter to tell the story of how Trinity responded to the bullying with unwavering self-love. Shaw said Trinity loves herself, is proud of her hair and refuses to allow others to dictate how she feels.

The post went viral gaining many supporters all across Twitter. Many people shared that they also wear their hair in a similar way, congratulating Shaw and praising Trinity for her courage. 

Trinity gained fame offline, too. A local news outlet in the Dallas area interviewed her, but because a black girl loving herself is threatening, Trinity was also, unfortunately, met with critics.

Shaw has been teaching Trinity about self-love since she was young so disrespectful comments and hate just roll off like water on a duck. Shaw posted a video from 2015 that shows that self-love process at work.