The last 24 hours have left folks aghast at the story and accusations surrounding Jessica Krug, the white George Washington University professor who admitted on Thursday that she had been lying about her race for all of her professional career. 

Krug has received years of accolades, prizes, fellowships, awards and positions for her work while constantly proclaiming a variety of racial and ethnic identities that were not hers, including Black, Puerto Rican, North African, "biracial," Colombian and more. In a Medium post, she revealed that she has two white parents and is from Kansas City.

As the shock, and jokes, from the revelation continued to splay out online, dozens of people, including some high-profile activists and thought leaders, revealed their own past interactions with Krug.

Despite being white, Krug had spent years bashing, criticizing and demeaning Black and Latino women for their work or for not being "real" and "hood" enough, according to many people who took to Twitter and Facebook to air out their anger. Many Black women online said they spent years calling her out but were routinely ignored when they questioned her heritage or background. 

Here are some of the craziest videos and tales from people and institutions that dealt with Krug over the years. While none of the accounts have been verified, they're worth a read. 

That awful blaccent

One of the first examples of Krug's blatant ethnic impersonation was at a recent New York City Council meeting in June.

In the video, which has been panned and clowned across the internet, Krug uses crude sounding blaccents and poorly used New York slang to criticize the city council. 

As many have noted, listening to her speak makes one wonder how she made it for as long as she did.

In the video, she refers to Black and brown people as her "siblings" and routinely criticized white people for not yielding their time during meetings with Black people, a comment that is outrageously cringeworthy now that we know her actual race. 

Her words at from the virtual gathering were even quoted in a New Yorker article.

The clownery was detected early on

On Twitter, dozens of people said something was always off about Krug but that they did not feel they had the right to questions someone's race.

A reporter says she brought the fraudulence to Tinder

A HuffPost reporter said he was unfortunately tangentially clowned after he openly admitted that he matched with her on Tinder, only for her to rip him for his political views. Somehow he has not deleted this yet. 

Karma's wild

Award-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones even noted that Krug criticized the groundbreaking, widely adored 1619 Project


That was quick

In a now-deleted story for Essence that was published five days ago, Krug wrote about protests from the perspective of a Black person from Puerto Rico.

Unfortunately, some of the pieces she wrote for Essence can still be found online. 

'Hood' huh?

Many people online have shared her old author biographies to note how long she has been conning people and institutions into thinking she is some kind of person of color. 

There was lots of ethnic inconsistency

One of the threads tying her lies together is her propensity for changing her identity when it suited her. Through points of her life she calls herself Puerto Rican while at other times she co-opts other nationalities. She even started her book referencing "my barrio" and her "ancestors" in Angola and Brazil.

Those she duped into sharing their platforms had to apologize

Some news outlets have even had to apologize for publishing her work under the guise that she had some kind of Afro-Caribbean heritage. 

Some social media pages that had been celebrating Krug's work also had to apologize. 

Black women have longed sensed something was off

Dozens of Black women clocked Krug almost immediately but their pleas fell on deaf ears. One reporter shared an email sent out last year that appeared to be about Krug. 

People within the New York activist community also noted that Krug's actions were always strange but that it was difficult to tell if she was or was not what she said. 

And were perplexed about how she was able to connive as long as she did

Others explained how Krug was able to get away with lying for so long. 

There may have been more to the timing of her confession

Professors and writers who knew her and worked with her have had to come out and apologize for promoting her work and vouching for her. 

It is unclear what will happen now, but dozens of people are calling for George Washington University to remove her from her position and for her to return the money she got through fellowships and awards meant for Black people, particularly Black women.