On the eve of the new year, organizers and residents alike took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to remind everyone just how much #BlackLivesMatter.
“In 2016, I am prepared to use my body to confront the state,” one protester exclaimed. Hundreds of peaceful protestors that are at their wits end with black bloodshed at the hands of the police marched through the nation’s capital, starting at the Chinatown arch and heading to U Street. Signs were carried, names were chanted, and the unity was apparent.
Many users spread the word of the march and shared their words, content, and feelings via Twitter, which continues to be a popular source of news.
We do this for Tamir. We do this for Sandra. #TakeBackOurStreetsDC #BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName pic.twitter.com/SEVVMxNtWx
— CollectiveActionDC (@SafeSpacesDC) January 1, 2016
“It’s no longer about sitting in our anger. This city’s pushing out so many Black folks, ppl forget what Chocolate City is” –@2LiveUnchained
— sam r jewler (@samrjewler) January 1, 2016
“When we say stop the cops and #FundBlackFutures, what does that mean?” @ErinCharde of BYP100 #TakeBackOurStreetsDC pic.twitter.com/y0XEMObG8F
— BYP100 (@BYP_100) January 1, 2016
“We will put our bodies on the line to confront the state” #TakeBackOurStreetsDC pic.twitter.com/Au7VGQ7oiZ
— ☆ shabana ☆ (@shabana_s) January 1, 2016
Just a few blocks from the U St corridor, site of egregious resident displacement in DC. #TakeBackOurStreetsDC pic.twitter.com/n8O4CduQAy
— BYP100 (@BYP_100) January 1, 2016
#TakeBackOurStreetsDC @cnnbrk @Blklivesmatter pic.twitter.com/G5OtSIVzUa
— Andy Fernandez (@AndyFernandez_1) January 1, 2016
.@MurielBowser divest from police NOW & invest in infrastructure 4 Black folks in Ward 7 & 8 #TakeBackOurStreetsDC pic.twitter.com/WwQpOAukVT
— Aaron Goggans (@AaronGoggans) December 31, 2015
I can think of solutions that don’t include more police. Free health care. Funding for edu. TRULY affordable housing. #TakeBackOurStreetsDC
— M to the B (@WithLoveMB) October 19, 2015
“We will say her name: Sandra Bland! Sandra Bland! Sandra Bland!” #takebackourstreetsdc #blacklivesmatter pic.twitter.com/Z4Z63FtS3F
— Crystal S. Lewis (@CrystalLewis) January 1, 2016
The names of many nationally and locally recognized black lives lost during police encounters were the highlights of the march. Some of the names included were Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland (#SayHerName), and Alonzo Smith.