The coronavirus pandemic has been increasingly alarming with the passage of days. As cities and services close around us, slight refuge can be taken in having a lover to pass the time with. But there are some unexpected experiences you may run across while quarantined with your cutie. 

1. The excitement of thinking this cohabitation will be a fun little experiment.

Being shut in with your lover for weeks on end without having to leave the house or go to work? Sounds like a dream! Or, at least, a little experiment to see how well you really work together.  

2. The disappointment when you realize this is bigger than the both of you and this is more than a cutesy relationship test.

After the initial thrill of being with bae, the reality may sink in as the updates scroll across your screens: this is serious. As the number of grave illnesses, and even deaths, continues to rise, like that of a 36-year-old Black mother in London, the reality of the pandemic starts to sink in. 

3. Finding out how much your partner actually reads.

It’s easy for someone to tell you what books they’re currently reading or what articles they just finished. But, when you have 24/7 access to someone, you can’t help but notice how they spend their time. Undoubtedly, many fibbers will be exposed.  

4.  The paranoia when they cough or sneeze.

The virus is spreading from state to state at unprecedented levels. It doesn’t take much to spread the virus except droplets from the infected. Due to this, the CDC advises that we all stay at least six feet away from each other. Y’all are already breaking the guidelines by canoodlin! You may love your partner, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be side-eyed for that cough. 

5. The shock in realizing you’ve never picked up on some of their oddities.

Things can get awkward — even more so when you can’t escape someone. Maybe you didn’t notice how long they “soak” dishes in the sink. Or, maybe you kind of noticed they prefer their toilet paper under instead of over, but now it’s more apparent than ever. 

6. Really seeing just how romantic your partner is or isn’t. 

Planning a date is all cute and dandy when you can actually go outside. Movies? Easy. Going out for a romantic dinner? I’ll get my coat. But what are you going to do when you actually can’t leave the house? No one wants to watch someone play 2K every day for hours on end. Now is the time to be a cheap date extraordinaire. Having limited resources really lets you see how creative someone can get to show they care. 

7. A heightened sense of closeness. 

There’s nothing like a pandemic to bring you closer together. Whether you make it out with your relationship intact or not, there’s no bond like that which comes with having been quarantined together during a global crisis.