A group of white men with too much time on their hands is charging two stacks to mansplain feminism.

The organizers of the 22 Convention promised their event is “destined to be the mansplaining event of the century," according to The New York Post.  

The premise of the convention is to “make women great again” using a series of lectures giving by male speakers who want to teach women the right way to be feminine. Tickets to the event cost $1,999, but they’re currently running a 50% off sale. Ticket holders are also allowed to bring a friend for free.

Women who are willing to throw their money into this dumpster fire will be able to “raise your femininity by 500%,” give birth to “unlimited babies,” get in shape and “become the ultimate wife,” according to the event’s website.

The site also propagates anti-feminist rhetoric and blames women’s liberation movements for leaving “millions of women feeling unhappy, confused, frustrated, and hopeless.” The organizers even included a picture of shouting white woman with a fire-red haircut to drive the point home.

The event is scheduled for early May and will coincide with the 21 Convention, which is tailored toward men. The 22 Convention’s website features a trailer for the men’s convention and was comparable to watching a Reddit board come to life. There are MAGA hats galore and one guy was wearing a “the future is masculine” shirt. The level of headassness is unprecedented.

Both events were created by Anthony Dream Johnson, the self-proclaimed president of the Manosphere. According to a press release, he received that position after the former president, who he described as a “spineless, secret blue pill huckster,” was ousted.

“What chance do we have at helping millions of men, boys, and fathers under constant attack by a trillion-dollar feminist establishment if we cannot keep our own house in order? Answer: none,” Johnson continued. “We have no time for effeminate fraudsters misleading the public, betraying our brothers, and lying by omission to tens of thousands of manospherians. While unfortunate, this was necessary, and it takes a president to exile a phony godfather.”

Whew! Jesus take the whole car.