An $8 million home near Seaside, Florida, was allegedly broken into and damaged over the weekend. Hundreds of teenagers were seen fighting and partying inside the luxury home.
According to the New York Post, deputies from Florida identified some intruders from the illegal party on June 18.
Corey Dobridnia, the Walton County Sheriff’s spokeswoman, told the publication that although no names have been released, investigators are working on who stole priceless sports memorabilia and a video game console from the house.
“It could take this family weeks to figure out what’s missing,” Dobridnia said. “It’s going to be difficult for them to know exactly what was taken.”
Dobridnia said the homeowners were out of town when the party happened; however, someone was watching over the house until Friday afternoon.
“The family went out of town,” Dobridnia said. “but there was somebody in the house until Friday afternoon.”
Dorbridnia also called the videos of the incident disturbing and encouraged the partygoers to come forward.
“If you had a part in it, we would encourage you to come forward and take accountability,” Dobridnia said. “The videos are disturbing as well as telling … All these kids wanted to brag that they broke into this house and showed a total lack of respect for anybody but themselves.”
The underaged teenagers also allegedly tried on the owners’ clothes and jewelry while in the home. The lakefront neighborhood is about 130 miles west of Tallahassee.
According to the local police, promotional fliers for the illegal party circulated in the area before the party.
The Walton County Sheriff’s Office released a statement on Facebook, saying several viral videos show underaged boys and girls participating in fights and underage drinking. According to the press release, law enforcement was called early Saturday morning after receiving a noise complaint.
“An open house party is against the law. An open house party in a home you break into is a burglary. Early Saturday morning, Walton County Sheriff’s Office was called out to Blackwater Street in Watercolor by Security for a noise complaint,” the statement read. “When deputies arrived, as you can imagine, most of the people at the party had left the scene.”
Police confirmed that the videos were circulating on social media sites, including Instagram and Snapchat. The videos showed several teenagers turning the living room into a boxing ring.
“Since then, videos are circulating on Snapchat, Instagram and other social media platforms with some of the highlights. Including were some of the people attending turn the foyer of the $8 million home into a boxing ring,” the statement continued. “Here’s another sliver of information; Snapchat isn’t private. You may think it is if you are a teenager or someone in their early 20s and you are not yet worldly. Your friends will snitch. Word gets out. You’ll be tagged in pics on the Gram.”
The Walton County Sheriff’s department verified that items from the house were stolen by the intruders and damage to the property was caused during the party.
“Apart from the damage caused and the items stolen, it’s a complete violation of someone’s home that you can’t put a price on. The feeling when you know someone went into your closet, tried on your clothes and used your bathroom doesn’t have a dollar amount attached to it,” the statement read. “Especially in a place where you’re supposed to feel safe. Before anyone says this is just “kids being kids,” we want you to ask yourself how you would feel if your home was ransacked and your sense of peace and security was taken from you.”
The statement concluded with a stern warning to those who may feel inclined to defend the teenagers’ actions, asking anyone involved in the illegal party to come forward and turn in those who also attended.
“Before you say, “they might not have known,” ask yourself if what was taking place was appropriate (or legal) regardless if they had permission to be there (which they did not),” the statement read. “Before making an excuse for these kids, ask why they felt they could do this in the first place. Here’s our ask; if you were there, know someone who was there, were invited, knows who circulated the flyer for the party (yes, we know about that too), you are asked to come forward. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR and let us know. Come clean and give us the information we need to hold those responsible. So, what’s “the move”?”
An open house party is against the law. An open house party in a home you break into is a burglary.
Early Saturday…
Posted by Walton County Sheriff’s Office, Florida on Monday, June 20, 2022
No arrests have been announced as of yet.