In case you missed it, Diane Sawyer conducted a “landmark” interview with Bruce Jenner, Olympian and reality star, sharing his* trans journey. The interview triggered a variety of reactions and responses. Noting the general lack of trans awareness in popular LGBT conversations, Black trans folk (like Black Queer folk) are too often erased from the narrative. Even Bruce’s courage must be contextualized in a system that prefers affluence, whiteness, and conservatism; all things of which Bruce has full access.

More importantly, we should take this time to raise up Black trans voices who are already doing a work of visibility online. As cis** folks, it is important to take a seat and listen to Black trans people’s narratives, struggles, and celebrations. Trans visibility is growing and we should tune our ears to our people doing this work! The Blavity team took some time to curate a list of 7 Black Trans leaders to connect with.

1. Ahya Simone (@idee_fixe_):

2. Hunter Ashley Lourdes (@HunterLourdes)


3. Tiq Milan (@themrmilan)

4. Janet Mock (@janetmock)


5. Kortney Ziegler (@fakerapper)

6. Katrina Goodlett (@TweetTrina4Lyfe)


7. Laverne Cox (@LaverneCox)

If you would like to share a Black Trans perspective on Bruce Jenner or anything else you want to see on #Blavity, email our Editor: [email protected]

*the original version of this article appeared before Caitlyn announced her name




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