Bill Duke has signed up to direct a dramedy centered on a wealthy, dysfunctional African American family, titled "Killing Daniel," from newcomer screenwriter Matthew Dressel, set up at Darius Films.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the story follows a young man seeking to reconnect with his siblings after their father’s death, only to find out that they all want to kill him for his sizeable share of the estate.
Nicholas Tabarrok is producing "Killing Daniel."
An early 2016 shoot date is eyed. No word on casting yet.
Duke is currently attached to direct and executive produce a feature film on the life of Mahalia Jackson, which will be based on the biography "Just Mahalia, Baby," written by Laurraine Goreau, which chronicles the life of the woman who rose from poverty and obscurity to become the world’s greatest gospel singer, and a legend.
Most recently, his "Light Girls" documentary (a follow-up to "Dark Girls") premiered on the OWN network.