On Sunday, #BlackPlotTwists started trending on Twitter and reminded us all of our childhood. What if our parents didn’t clapback when we asked for something at the store? What if food was served at the cookout early? We all went down memory lane with the hashtag.

The trend actually started on Tumblr…

…and somehow it took Black Twitter by storm. Here are 25 of the most relatable situations:

1. When an event is not on CP time.

2. Better yet, when CP time works out in your favor.

3. When you forget to take the food out the freezer and things go right.

4. “I’ll call you right back.”

5. “I’ll be there soon.”

6. “You got McDonald’s money?”

7. Their ice cream machine is always broken.

8. Because you know they think we’re gonna steal.

9. When you finally live on your own.

10. Not having to worry about this would be a major key.

11. When your grandma doesn’t actually have your back.

12. “I ain’t one of your lil’ friends…”

13. “…or Boo Boo the Fool.”

14. You know it’s going to happen.

15. The worst feeling is having your mouth ready for food and it’s gone.

16. Most of the time when a pastor teases that the end is near, it’s not.

17. Our families love to use cookie containers for other things.

18. “Don’t let that cold air outta the house.”

19. This happens each time you go out the door.

20. We’ve all had to go do this and never found the item.

21. Because she never wants anything. LOL.

22. This plot twist applies to a PWI as well. The struggle is real.

23. Because they usually pack their plates and go.

24. You can always get there…but the question is how are you getting back?

25. If only this would have actually happened.

Any other #BlackPlotTwists you can think of? Share them in the comments!

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