Tuesday’s primary results are in, and the results are as follows:

Photo: wordpress
Photo: wordpress


Hillary Clinton won: Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Illinois
Bernie Sanders won: 

Photo: gifsoup
Photo: gifsoup

Missouri results too close to call.


Donald Trump won: Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, and the Northern Mariana Islands
John Kasich won: Ohio 

Marco Rubio accepted defeat and dropped out of the race, after losing in his home state of Florida no less. But where was Ted Cruz? Well, he’s got some relationships to mend in the GOP before they’ll offer him any support. He’s urged them to support him because he says if they nominate Drumpf, Clinton will surely clobber him in November. Anyway, here’s the way Election 2016 is shaping up and what’s on the horizon!

The Current Delegate Count:

(as of March 16th)
Democratic Total Delegates, 4765 (Candidate needs 2383 to win)

Clinton has: 1568
Sanders has: 797

Republican Total Delegates, 2472 (Candidate needs 1237 to win)

Trump has: 640
Cruz has: 405
Kasich has: 138

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

The next big round of voting is Tuesday, April 26th, and these states will take to the polls:

March 15th Primaries (Delegates Up For Grabs D/R):

Connecticut (55/28)
Deleware (21/16)
Maryland (95/38)
Pennsylvania (189/17)
Rhode Island (24/19)

Photo: giphy
Photo: giphy

Don’t forget about those superdelegates!

Which doesn’t actually offer much hope on the Republican side of things, but…GO VOTE!


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