President Obama just nominated Carla Hayden to be the 14th Librarian of Congresss. Once approved by the Senate, she’ll become the 1st woman and 1st African American to head the library, which holds every book ever published in the United States.

Hayden is the CEO of the Enoch Pratt Public Library in Baltimore, MD. A library established to provide necessary access to information, and a safe space, for the community. Prior to taking this position in 1993, she served two years as the Deputy Commissioner and Chief Librarian of the Chicago Public Library and was President of the American Library Association (ALA) from 2003-2004.
President Obama says, “Dr. Hayden has devoted her career to modernizing libraries so that everyone can participate in today’s digital culture. She has the proven experience, dedication, and deep knowledge of our nation’s libraries to serve our country well and that’s why I look forward to working with her in the months ahead.”
Tis Lit!