Twitter came for news anchor John King as the CNN host spent hours speed talking his way through Election Day results and boasting about the excitement around the election.

King was in charge of CNN's electoral college board and walking viewers through how the races looked across the country. But some took issue with King referring to the election as "exciting" despite the results leaving pollsters, politicians and voters on edge throughout the night.

The anchor repeatedly said "this is fun" as numbers came in according to The Olympian. This didn't go over well for the masses of people with a lot at stake in the election. 

People online said the ramifications of the election would have years-long effects on people's lives, making the slow vote count a terrifying ordeal for millions of Americans.

According to Quartz, King has been CNN’s chief national correspondent since 2005 and spent hours on TV last night breaking down the results.

Some joked that while King kept saying he was "having fun," he must have been tired from being on TV for that long.

But others noted that King could easily refer to the election as "fun" because of his social status. 

King's "fun" quips became less funny once President Donald Trump
appeared on TV in the early morning hours of Wednesday to falsely declare himself the winner of the election in a move criticized by members of his own party. Even Vice President Mike Pence had to tacitly remind the audience after Trump spoke that the votes are still being counted in a number of states.