Westport, Connecticut resident Aaron Tucker missed a job interview to help a man trapped in a car wreck the morning of July 12. Tucker told The New York Daily News that he woke up early that day because he was excited for a job interview for a position at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in Stamford.

While on a bus en route to the interview, Tucker witnessed a car crash.

“I looked up and saw a car flipped over right in front of the bus, so I ran to try to jump out of the bus,” Tucker told the Daily News. “I said I was going to help him, and asked the driver if he was going to wait for me and he said, ‘no, I am going to leave you.’”

Tucker really needed the restaurant job. But he didn't hesitate. He jumped off the bus, and ran over to the smoking car.

According to CBS News, as the car burst into flames, Tucker pulled the injured driver from the vehicle, and took off the dress shirt he'd been given for his interview to bandage the driver's head.

"You're going to be all right," Tucker told the driver over and over as they waited for an ambulance. "Your family wants to see you. Keep your eyes open."

Thanks to Tucker's intervention, when EMTs arrived, the wounded driver was in good enough shape for them to stabilize his condition.

Now, if that's not heroic enough, just wait. It gets even more selfless.

The economy's recovered some, but jobs still aren't easy to come by. They are even harder to get with a criminal record, as studies have shown.

When the crash happened, Tucker had been out of jail for exactly one week. He had two dollars to his name, and a child to support. He was determined to take care of his family. He needed that job, and getting off that bus, couldn't say when another job opportunity would come his way.

And yet, selflessly, he did it anyway.

Which is why many online found the way his story was portrayed frustrating. Rather than focusing on Tucker's selflessness, bravery and heroism, many on Twitter felt that headlines were unfairly focusing on his past as a prisoner of the the state.

Fortunately, whether or not the coverage on the story was fair and balanced, it has helped Tucker immensely.

In the span of four days, Tucker has received a slew of job offers. And The Westport News reports that a GoFundMe campaign has been created for the hero to help him and his nearly 2-year-old son get back on their feet. 

“Aaron is the kind of man who should be celebrated,” Karin Dale, of Westport, wrote on the GoFundMe that page she created. “While others stood around and took video, he jumped into action and helped.”