A couple weeks ago I gave you guys the posse cut from Danny Brown called “Really Doe.” Here we are now, and the Detroit emcee dropped his third LP Atrocity Exhibition. I’m not going to spoil much for you, but for me this is my album of the year. The majority of the production on here is handled by Paul White, and he matches Danny Brown’s personality perfectly with trippy, drugged out production. Danny Brown’s lyricism is as personal and dark as its ever been. And this all comes through in the new music video, “Pneumonia.”

This joint was actually produced by Evian Christ, but the beat fits the twisted sound of the album. The visuals are on a completely different level of insane. The video opens with a life-tested, exhausted Danny Brown chained by his arms, legs and neck, and is a grand metaphor for the story he’s telling on this album. My review of the album drops next week, but for now check out the music video for “Pneumonia” above.


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