Controversial DJ and internet personality DJ Akademiks is facing a lawsuit with accusations of rape, sexual assault and defamation. According to Rolling Stone, the lawsuit was filed by Fauziya “Ziya” Abashe, who alleged that Akademiks and two other men sexually assaulted her in 2022.

The outlet states that Abashe met Akademiks, born Livingston Allen, in 2021. They met online and started dating shortly after.

In the lawsuit, Abashe alleges she was invited to Allen’s New Jersey home on July 16, 2022. Although they had not seen each other for almost a year, she did not suspect any “ill intentions” from the DJ.

She went on to recall unexpectedly meeting two unknown men (identified as John Doe 1 and John Doe 2) upon arrival and later claimed they continuously made her consume alcohol, drugged her and proceeded to assault and rape her on Allen’s deck. 

Abashe claimed her memory and ability to stay conscious were impacted by the drugs. On July 17, 2022, around 4 a.m., Abashe woke up and found herself in Allen’s bedroom. Abashe, whose Instagram lists her as a model, states she was woken up by Allen “pulling her hair, prying open her legs, and brutally raping her.” 

The lawsuit also included details of him penetrating her both anally and vaginally as she cried and begged him to stop. 

Rolling Stone’s report goes on to state that Allen showed Abashe two used condom wrappers when he was conscious the next day and asked him what had happened the night before. 

The lawsuit states that after seeing the wrappers, Abashe assumed the two unknown men continued to “brutally rape” her after the initial pool-deck assault. She also indicated that Allen provided her with the surveillance footage of the alleged attack. She says she even saw herself on the video “lying there lifeless.” 

The lawsuit included evidence of a text message sent from Allen to Abashe suggesting she “get tested.” She said the “odd” text was enough to push her to get a rape kit done, in fear that Allen had forced her into engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse.

The results of the rape kit reportedly included traces of Allen’s sperm. Photographs of Abashe taken by authorities included images of bruises on her arm, back, buttocks and legs.

Rolling Stone also stated Abashe had a “recorded wire call” with Allen where he graphically recounted having sexual intercourse with her. She also states he went as far as to “describe her vagina.”

Presented evidence led the police to serve Allen with a warrant for the surveillance footage and other evidence. Abashe claims that Allen attempted to destroy and dispose of bed sheets and other items once the police requested them. 

Initially, Abashe chose not to press charges and go public about the allegations, but she changed her mind after Allen defamed her on social media in 2023. 

In a “Story Time with Ak!” video dated December 30, 2023, on his King Akademiks YouTube, he accused Abashe of “voluntarily having an orgy,” and said that she was getting “trained by my two mens on my pool deck.”

During the video, he maintained that he “never participated.”

The lawsuit included a statement from Abashe’s lawyer, Tyrone Blackburn, who said the statements from Allen’s Dec. 30 video were “misleading and false.”

He also added, “Litigation is always the last resort. After several unsuccessful attempts to privately resolve this case, Ms. Abashe was left with no choice other than to file. Mr. Allen’s hubris will be his downfall.”

Abashe is not choosing silence anymore: “I’m confident that justice will prevail, and the veil will be removed so no other woman will have to endure what I did.”