Spike LeeSpike Lee directed a new short film titled "2 Fists Up," which I’m only just learning about. An examination of how the Black Lives Matter movement sparked activism at the University of Missouri, its football team, and across the rest of the United States, the film will make its World Premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival next month, in New York City.

The festival announced its short film lineup today, which includes Spike’s "2 Fists Up" as one of 72 short films, 45 of which are world premieres, and 53 in competition. After receiving 3,553 submissions, the programmers curated a diverse and genre-spanning crop of provocative titles (fiction and non-fiction) from 23 different countries.

"Short-form storytelling has always been an integral part of Tribeca’s programming," said Sharon Badal, Vice President of Filmmaker Relations and Shorts Programming. "Short films are where new talent is discovered and new ways of telling stories emerge. Creative content and consumer viewing habits are changing and short films are perfect for this growing audience. We’re thrilled to be able to champion these films, and equally excited to provide an opportunity for audiences to see them at the festival."

The program will kick off on April 15 at the Tribeca Festival Hub.