nullSince the
days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and maybe even before then, there have
always been U.S. Presidential celebrity impersonators.

you, not that it’s a really lucrative career.
After all, you have only 4 years of work, or maybe 8, if you’re really lucky. So you try to take advantage of it as much as you, while you can, since you have a limited
shelf life.

Which brings us to Puerto Rican Bronx native, Louis Ortiz, an unemployed father of three, trying to make ends meet, who, one day, looked in the mirror and realized that he
looked sort of familiar.

Ortiz then started on his strange journey as the “look of a lifetime,” as a President
Obama impersonator, trying to cash in on his good (or maybe bad) fortune, until

But it’s also a
story about one guy living his own version American Dream, and if doing Obama
skits at business conventions and mall openings, is the way to do it, who’s going
to complain?

It’s a story that definitely intrigued filmmaker Ryan Murdock for his new documentary, "Bronx Obama," which is about Ortiz and the
joys, sorrows and struggles it takes to  be an Obama impersonator.

The film has just
completed a successful film festival circuit run, and will coming to VOD, on ITunes, Vimeo, Amazon Instant Video and other digital platforms, on
October 7, before its national television debut, on Oct. 29, just before the
November midterms elections.

Here’s the
trailer for "Bronx Obama:"