The Republican debates happened Saturday night, and from the jump they did not disappoint with the comic relief. While introducing the candidates, there were a few donkeys who didn’t understand that they were being invited to their podiums.

First, Ben Carson just sort of hung out in the cut after his name was called.

Photo: facebook
Photo: facebook

Then when it looked like he was going to the stage, he was actually moving aside for Ted Cruz to make his entrance.

Photo: facebook
Photo: facebook

“Dr. Carson, go out there.” No I’m good right here, thanks.

Photo: facebook
Photo: facebook

And then, Trump made his grand entrance…to the cut too!

Photo: facebook
Photo: facebook

Are they savoring the moment?

Photo: facebook
Photo: facebook

Even Bush couldn’t handle their inability to follow direction.

Photo: facebook
Photo: facebook

We’re sure the producers and campaign teams were cringing by this time, but eventually they all made it to the stage…well almost all. Senator Rubio had to remind them about one more candidate.

But who’s missing?

The greatest start to a Republican debate of all time.

Posted by Mashable News on Saturday, February 6, 2016

This has to be top 5 funniest moments of the 2016 elections. Who is expecting these guys to lead a country when they can’t even lead themselves?

Photo: giphy
Photo: giphy

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